I love my job.
I work at La Fototeca (
click me), which is a Center of Contemporary Photography and photography school. It's the leading institution in the area. To be a "Fototeco" is to be a person who works with passion, enthusiasm and commitment, always looking for new goals and someone who eats, breathes and sleeps with the world of photography.
We have such a great team. An army of dreamers.
Some time ago, we had a creative weekend. One weekend to brainstorm, think, discuss and dream together, one weekend to relax but at the same time work on everything we do so we can make our job, this amazing rocket we are on, fly up, up, up, past the Moon and beyond. A weekend of laughter and fun, and afternoons sitting in the terrace with Lake Atitlán right in front of us, with daylight ever changing and covering us in a quilt of warm wonderful colors.
I love my job, but most importantly, I love the
friends I work with. Nothing beats that.
part one
Endless roads I love |
the soccer match |
food stop |
Lake Atitlán, the most beautiful lake in the world |
oh how tiny we are |
afternoon tea and laughter |
fun games |
the last colors of daylight |